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Innovative School Leadership : Transforming Practices, Edited By Gill Richards, Chris Wheatley

In the past few weeks a new book has been released by publishers Routledge which includes contributions from a number of colleagues within the Inspiring Leaders Partnership including Laura Wookey, Teaching and Learning Lead at Flying High Trust and James Brown, Strategy Director at Inspiring Leaders.

The book is edited by Gill Richards (Inspiring Leaders member, and Chris Wheatley, CEO at Flying High Trust and Trustee of Inspiring Leaders)

The book, written for school leaders, shares the work of ten practising, innovative school leaders. It offers insight into practical school developments that have been researched, trialled and reviewed to demonstrate their success at creating positive change.

With each chapter written by experienced school leaders working in a range of contexts, the accounts of the developments they carried out and the research evidence they collected to measure impact are presented accessibly and succinctly. These developments include:

‘Poverty Proofing’ by breaking down barriers to disadvantage

Creating a new holistic approach to appraisal and quality assurance

Designing and delivering a new cohesive whole school curriculu

Surviving headteacher stress

Innovative School Leadership: Transforming Practices is an indispensable resource for all current and aspiring leaders wanting to provide the best learning environment for their whole school community.

For those interested in picking up a copy, you can buy the book here

Congratulations to all of those who contributed.