We are passionate about helping teachers and leaders reach their full potential, raising standards in education. Through innovative collaboration, supportive networks and continual professional development, Inspiring Leaders helps partners achieve their strategic goals and create strong, sustainable trusts.
Over the past 11 years our MAT partners have grown to become established and successful. We know this growth can be a complex and we have several experts within our partnership who are able to support MATs to grow and/or improve. Inspiring Leaders can support MATs in several ways:
-MAT Improvement Planning
-CEO recruitment, support, and development
-School improvement strategy development
-Teacher Development and Training
-Central services development including finance, HR, risk management, estates & safeguarding
-MAT and School Governance
-Quality assurance systems
If you would like to know more about how we can support your MAT and would like to set up a call to discuss this, please email us clicking the button below.
Within our Trusts we have a wide range of expertise and experience of supporting schools to improve. Our partnership has a wide range of support which schools may wish to commission from us. We can support schools with:
-NLE Support – either through the DFE School Improvement offer or separately.
-SLE and Lead Practitioner support across all subjects at Primary and Secondary level
-School and System Leader Development
-SEF and SIP Development
-Curriculum Design Support
-Quality assurance visits to support schools as they prepare for an Ofsted Inspection
-Governance reviews and training
-Safeguarding advice and guidance
-Advice about accessing the DFE Support offer, including access to DFE Hubs
-Training and development for school staff – including staff training inputs, inset day training, and speaking at larger events.
If you would like to know more about how we can support your school, please email us clicking the button below.
To discuss how we can support you, your school or MAT please fill in the form and we will get in touch with you.
Please contact us using the details below and we will get in touch to discuss your application.
0116 3184066Secondary
0115 9261481