The Early Career framework underpins a statutory entitlement to a fully funded, 2-year package of structured support for early career teachers, linked to the best available research evidence.
The Early Career framework underpins a statutory entitlement to a fully funded, 2-year package of structured support for early career teachers, linked to the best available research evidence.
From September 2021, new teachers will receive developmental support and training over 2 years instead of one, with additional funding available to support their time out of the classroom in the second year and a dedicated mentor. Support will also be available to mentors.
Flying High Teaching School Hub
Redhill Teaching Hub
In partnership with the Education and Development Trust.
Early Career Teachers will be able to access the ECF programme in cohorts close to their school through the Teaching School Hubs and their respective partners.
Find out more about the EDT Programme
For more information about how to book onto this funded training route click the links below.
To discuss how we can support you, your school or MAT please fill in the form and we will get in touch with you.
Please contact us using the details below and we will get in touch to discuss your application.
0116 3184066Secondary
0115 9261481