
Our Stories

News and updates from the Inspiring Leaders partnership.

IL News

Introducing our Trustee Recruitment Service: Strengthening Governance for Multi-Academy Trusts

Leadership Insights

Estonia Study Tour Leadership Insights: Tackling the teacher recruitment crisis

Sector News

Welcoming the RISE Initiative and Celebrating Sector Expertise

Leadership Insights

Estonia Study Tour Leadership Insights: What can Trust leaders learn from Estonia’s approach to education?

IL News

Inspiring Leaders appoint Crescent Purchasing Consortium to launch innovative procurement support service for Multi-Academy Trusts


Supporting the Vision for Education: A Response to Bridget Phillipson’s CST Speech

Case Studies

Case Study: International Study Tour enhances school improvement and collaboration

IL News

Benchmarking Project: empowering Multi-Academy Trusts through data insights

IL News

Exploring the origins of the Student Leadership Conference

IL News

Inspiring Leaders forging the path for young minds to achieve sustainability goals in the region

Case Studies

Cyber Security Review Case Study: Discovery Trust

IL News

Celebrating Our ITT Champions: An Expression of Gratitude and Encouragement