
Our Stories

Graeme Robins – staffing announcement

Staffing Announcement at Inspiring Leaders


In recent months we have undertaken a restructure of the leadership team within Inspiring Leaders which is now complete and Graeme Robins our Director of Programmes will be leaving his role with effect from 31st October 2022.

Graeme has played a huge part in the development of Inspiring Leaders and the Flying High Trust over the past ten years and he will be known to many for the excellent leadership support he has provided. I’m sure you would join me in expressing our thanks and appreciation to Graeme for the commitment and dedication he has shown during his time with us.

Moving forward Graeme has agreed to continue to work with Inspiring Leaders and Flying High Trust as a Leadership Associate and will support some of our workstreams in the future on a consultancy basis.

Graeme has asked that I pass on his thanks and appreciation for the support and assistance he has received from all the staff whom he has worked with during his time at Inspiring Leaders and more broadly within Flying High Trust which has been a wonderful place to work. He would also like to thank the children, parents and governors for the support and kindness shown to him throughout his time working in and around schools. Graeme has loved being part of such an amazing community and will take with him many cherished memories.

Graeme would like to wish all across the Trust and Inspiring Leaders every success and happiness for the future.