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Inspiring Leaders forging the path for young minds to achieve sustainability goals in the region

Regional partnership organisation for Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs), Inspiring Leaders, show its commitment to the development of Primary and Secondary school children by hosting third annual Student Leadership Conference this September.

Now in it’s third year, the Student Leadership Conference brings together over 80 schools and over 300 children aged between 9-16 across two days to learn about societal and environmental issues facing people today.

Hosted by Nottingham Trent University, the conference aims to develop young people’s leadership skills and encourage critical thinking through thought-provoking seminars and group discussion-based workshops.

This year’s theme delves into the impact of climate change on our communities, how sustainable consumption can be improved and the importance of nurturing effective leadership in young people.

During the conference, Inspiring Leaders will collaborate with various local and national organisations dedicated to environmental impact, spearheaded by Global Action Plan.

A environmental charity committed to tackling the root causes of climate change, Global Action Plan will guide participating schools in implementing projects aimed at reaching their sustainability objectives.

The charity will be looking at the skills the young people learnt, how carrying out the project made them feel, and how they overcame any challenges involved in the project.

James Brown, Managing Director of Inspiring Leaders, eagerly anticipates the positive influence the upcoming conference will have on the region’s young people and the transformative effect on local communities via their sustainability initiatives.

“Over the past few years, our conference and subsequent activities have made a significant difference in the school communities that our students attend,”

He adds, “Students can arrive feeling a bit nervous because they are working with children from schools they are not familiar with. However, by the time they leave, they are excited about leading a social action project in their own school, focused on improving sustainability,”

“We are extremely grateful for the support of our partners, particularly Nottingham Trent University and their ambassadors, for hosting the conference and enabling our students to explore the University campus as part of our event.”