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Cyber Security Review Case Study: Discovery Trust

As digital technology rapidly advances, it has become crucial for schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) to have a robust and regularly reviewed cyber security infrastructure in place.

While Trusts can commission a third-party company to conduct a review on their behalf, there are many benefits to seeking assistance from other Trusts to support this process instead – something which can be made possible through our partnership programme.

With this in mind we facilitated a review for Discovery Trust, deploying expert ICT leaders from The Two Counties Trust and Nexus Multi-Academy Trusts, creating a collaborative environment for both trusts to audit Discovery’s cyber security infrastructure.

Review objectives and process

The review was initiated at the request of Steve Orton, CFOO of Discovery Trust, aiming to provide its Trustees with assurance about the current cyber security policies and practices. The goal was to produce a comprehensive appraisal and provide actionable recommendations to enhance cyber security measures, also serving as a key document for the annual ESFA return.

The review process commenced with a scoping meeting to define the objectives, timeline, and expectations. Leaders from the Two Counties and Nexus MATs were strategically selected for their expertise and familiarity with the sector’s challenges. Following the approval from their respective CEOs, a detailed planning session was set up to discuss the framework and schedule of the review.

The review process included both face-to-face and virtual interactions, allowing a thorough examination of Discovery Trust’s policies and systems. The process culminated in a feedback session highlighting the strengths, risks, and areas for improvement within Discovery Trust’s cyber security framework which was formalised into a written report for sharing with Executive Leaders and Trustees at Discovery Trust.

Review impact

This collaboration led to significant findings and recommendations that were well-received by all parties involved. Nathan Bingham of Nexus Trust, who co-led the review remarked, “Working with Inspiring Leaders on the Cyber Peer Review was a fantastic collaborative experience that fosters strong partnerships and yields beneficial outcomes for both staff and pupils.”

Steve Orton from Discovery Trust wrote to partners following the review saying; “I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the outstanding cyber security audit conducted by your IT leads, Nathan and Jordan. The professionalism and quality of the work were truly exemplary, and the recommendations provided will greatly enhance our ongoing efforts in cyber security”.

Benefits of collaborative reviews

Multi-Academy Trusts are particularly vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to their size and complexity, so it is critical that its leaders can explore cost-efficient and time-efficient solutions. The most notable advantages for collaborative reviews are:

Cost-efficiency: By leveraging shared resources and expertise, the review process was conducted at no cost, freeing up budget to be allocated elsewhere and enabling Trusts to provide reciprocal support in return.

In-depth sector knowledge: Conducted by current practitioners within their respective Trusts, the review benefited from a deep understanding of the specific challenges and risks pertinent to the education sector.

Enhanced professional development: This collaborative model provided a platform for professional growth, enabling participants from different MATs to engage, share best practices, and enhance their own operational functions.

Building long-term partnerships: The success of this review has paved the way for ongoing cooperation between Multi-Academy Trusts, fostering a culture of mutual recognition and benefit that extends beyond a single project.

Inspiring Leaders are an organisation that provides a centre for collaboration between Multi-Academy Trusts, offering innovative approaches for enhancing organisational resilience and operational efficiency.

If you would like to find out more about how we can support your Trust, contact us at info@iltoday.co.uk.