Mansfield and Ashfield Place based approach - Opportunities site

Welcome to the Mansfield and Ashfield School information site. On this webpage you will find more details about some of the opportunities available to schools in the area, including links to booking your place.

Please browse page and click the links for more information about the opportunities on offer.

Area Newsletters

Secondary Headteacher Network

In order to support the development of a network of secondary headteachers for Ashfield and Mansfield, there are going to be six facilitated network sessions running for the remainder of the academic year.

Funding will be allocated to the partnership to support improvement work in one of the three priority areas:

    – Improving Literacy outcomes

    – Increasing Leadership Capacity

    – Supporting SEND Pupils

Meetings will be a blend of face to face and online.

The first session will be online on Tuesday 25th January 8:00am-9:30am.

Follow up sessions will be on:

   – Thursday 24th February (Face to Face)

   – Tuesday 29th March (Online)

   – Thursday 28th April (Face to Face)

   – Thursday 26th May (Online)

   – Thursday 30th June (as a part of the area wide summit event)

More details can be found about the network

More information can be found here


If you wish to book on to these networks

Click Here

Primary School Visits Programme

In response to feedback from Headteachers in the Autumn term we have scheduled a number of opportunities for headteachers in Mansfield and Ashfield to access. The visits have been organised by Paul Stone the Primary leader for this project and focus on helping schools to experience different practice from schools with similar contextual challenges. We recognise the value in learning from the experiences of others and know that headteachers will gain a lot from visiting other settings.

Each visit will have the capacity to host 10 headteachers and your school will receive £200 towards supply costs and £100 towards travel costs for attending the visit. School visits will last for a full day and there will be an expectation that headteachers also join a further meeting within a month of the visit to review the impact of this work and discuss any joint practice opportunities that have arisen.

More information about the visit dates and locations can be found below:

21st March 2022 at Djanogly Sherwood Academy

22nd March 2022 at The Carlton Infant & Junior Academy

25th March 2022 at Mowmacre Hill Primary School

–   29th March 2022 at Leamington Primary Academy

Please see the details below for further information on the school and focus area for the visit.

To register your place on one of our visits please

Click Here

Project Resources

Ofsted session recording


1:00pm – 1:30pm: Phonics for EY/primary practitioners
Briefly explore why phonics is so important and what it is we focus on during a reading deep dive.

1:35pm – 2:15pm: EIF revisited
Key messages about the Education Inspection Framework and principles of an effective curriculum.

2:20pm – 3:50pm: Reading in the secondary phase
The reading curriculum is complex in secondary schools.
In this brief session we explore a simple framework that helps us conceptualise priorities in reading in this phase ofteaching.

SALT Case Study

NLG Support Information

ELKLAN Training Information

Area wide Summit – 30th June 2022

On the 30th June 2022 we are inviting all headteachers in the area to join us at the first area wide summit. The summit will enable headteachers to:

   – Hear from inspirational speakers from the education sector

   – Understand what school improvement opportunities are available to schools in the area

   – Share and collaborate with other local colleagues finding ways to develop closer working partnerships

   – Work together to commit to some collective actions over the coming 3 years

The event will take place from 9:00am – 4:30pm on 30th June 2022 at a venue in the area. Please make a note of this date in your diaries.

This event will be developed over the coming weeks, and further information will be shared soon.

Get involved.

We would like to form a small working party of local headteachers to help us shape the event. If you are interested in supporting then please get in touch with us by emailing

Get in touch


To discuss how we can support you, your school or MAT please fill in the form and we will get in touch with you.

Initial Teacher Training

Please contact us using the details below and we will get in touch to discuss your application.


Apply for Teacher Training with Inspiring Leaders

Please complete this short form.